Last 2 Weeks in 9 Shots

Saturday 11 July 2015

Meet me in Paree instagram
Here are the last 2 weeks in 9 Snap shots for you. 

Snaps 1/2- I had been dreaming of visiting Molitor swimming pool for a long time. I mean SUPER long. So when I got an invite from Mode City to watch a fashion show at Molitor I had no hesitation! 
The show was awesome.. With loads of swimwear brands showing their collections through the past years. I wish I could show it to you.. But the video on my phone isn't blog worthy.

Snap 3- Spent the day walking around Paris, taking photos and spending time in one of my blogging places… Starbucks( that's where the cookie is from)

Snap 4- I went a a wedding that was in Versailles. I love going to weddings.. I'm an old romantic! haha. I was also super happy as I got to wear my beautiful dress from Dolores Promesas.. You are going to see a blog post soon with this dress.

Snap 5- I told you a while back that I wanted to get a new tattoo… and I finally got one! These beautiful birds are going to accompany me everywhere now! But.. It hurt like hell. Anyone who says that tattoos don't hurt is lying!!

Snap 6- My new hair! I had the pleasure of spending the afternoon in Sarah Guetta's salon where I got my hair chopped and coloured by the lovely Marianna. I confess my hair hadn't been cut in a while so it was a much needed change.

Snap 7- Getting summer ready with my swimwear from Simone Perele. I'm in love with the simple design of this swimsuit.. Plus i'm not feeling so bikini ready so this swimsuit is perfect!

Snap 8-  Ok… This is just a filler picture because I didn't have any more photos! haha… But my new watch is nice right? aha.

Snap 9- The most important and nicest thing in the last two weeks was my beautiful Nephew coming to Paris! I hardly ever get to see him, so it's always nice when I do! My sister also came which was great to catch up! Can't wait to go to Dubai this Christmas!


I read each and everyone one of your comments.. xxx